What do you call people who believe in Satan?
My wife has evil lessons with Satan every week.
I don’t know how much she charges.
God and Satan arranged a basketball game between Heaven and Hell.
“I know for a fact we are gonna win,” said God. “We have all the best players up here…Wilt Chamberlain, Moses Malone, Kobe Bryant, and so on.”
“I wouldn’t count on that, God,” said Satan. “You see, down here, we have all the referees.”
ヒラリー :「悪魔よ、私たちは契約したはず!私に約束した選挙の勝利はどこに行ったの?」
悪魔: 「私に約束したお前の魂はどこにあるんだ?」
※ 2016年アメリカ大統領選挙 トランプvsヒラリー 得票数で上回るも獲得選挙人数でトランプに敗北し、女性初の大統領となるのを逃した
Hillary’s mad at Satan
Hillary: Satan! We had a deal! Where’s the election victory that you promised me?
Satan: Where’s the soul that you said you had?
※ 地獄が凍りついた=カナディアンアイスホッケーが勝った ぐらいの感じ
※ リーフス=トロント・メイプルリーフス(NHL) 日本の読売ジャイアンツみたいなチーム
(Two Canadians die and end up in Hell. Satan decides to pay them a visit, so he walks into their room and sees them talking and laughing. Confused, he asks them why they’re happy.)
They tell him, “Well, we’re so sick of the cold where we’re from, and this place is nice and toasty.”
Satan, annoyed, storms away and goes to Hell’s boiler room, where he turns up the temperature.
He goes back to the Canadians’ room, along the way being begged by all sorts of people to put the heating back down. He enters the room to see the Canadians having a barbecue. Furiously, he asks them what they’re doing.
“Well, we can’t pass up this wonderful weather without getting out the barbecue!”
Satan realizes he’s been doing the wrong thing. He goes to the boiler room and turns it down until it’s at a colder temperature than ever seen on earth.
He knows he’s won now, so he goes back to the Canadians’ room, only to see them jumping up and down in excitement.
He shouts at them in fury, “WHY ARE YOU STILL HAPPY?!?!?!”
They look at him and shout at the same time, “Hell froze over! That means the Leafs won!”
※ ニッケルバック=カナダのロックバンド(大人気)
Some say that if you play Nickelback backwards you’ll hear Satan.
Even worse, if you play it forwards you’ll hear Nickelback.
地獄に到着したとき、私は店員に “どの軍に所属したいですか?”と聞かれて驚いた。アレクサンダー大王、ナポレオン、オットー・フォン・ビスマルクが何世紀も前にサタンを倒し、それ以来、互いに戦っていることがわかった。
※ ナポレオンが負けたのは…寒さ厳しいロシアの冬将軍、そしてここは地獄、、、
Upon arriving in hell, I was surprised to find a clerk asking me, “In which military would you like to serve?” Turns out Alexander the Great, Napoleon, and Otto Von Bismarck overthrew Satan centuries ago and have been fighting each other ever since.
“Oh, that’s an easy one, ” I reply.
The clerk looked at me, skeptical.
“You don’t even want to talk to a recruiter? They can tell you all about the perks of each side.”
“No thank you. I know Napoleon will never lose.”
“Well, that’s a pretty strong allegiance… sure you don’t want to consider the other options?”
“Oh I will… when hell freezes over.”
Three women die enter hell, and Satan greets them at the doorway.
“Welcome, sinners!” he says with a grin. “In heaven, your rank would be based on your purity, but not down here! Your mode of transportation will be decided by the number of MEN you have hooked up with.” He turned to face the first woman. “How many men have you hooked up with?”
“Around five I think, I was at least a little bit loyal to my husband,” she said proudly.
“Boring!” cried Satan, showing her an scooter. She rode off into the distance.
“How many men have you hooked up with?” he asked the second woman.
“At least twenty.”
“Ooh, spicy! Here’s a nice motorbike for you, then!” said Satan, and the second woman drove off as well. He turned to the third woman.
“How about you?”
“Over two hundred. I was the hottest woman in town.”
“Wowza! Here’s your BMW!” responded Satan, and she too drove off into the distance.
A few days later, the first two women spotted the third one weeping on a rock.
“What’s wrong?” asked one, “You have the best car out of all of us!”
“I know,” said the third, “But >!I just saw my husband driving by in a Ferrari!!< “
彼は静かに座って教会の会報を読んでいた。サタンは考えた、この男は耳が聞こえず、目も見えないに違いない、そうでなければきっと恐怖で立ち去ったに違いないと。サタンは尋ねた。「はい、もちろんです」老人はまだ何気なく読んでいた。「私が誰だかわかるか?」 老人は顔を上げようともせず、「もちろんです」と答えた。サタンは大いに怒った。「たった一言でも発すれば、私はあなたの命を奪い、地獄で永遠の苦しみを味わわせることができるということを知らないのか?」「存じ上げております」老紳士は少し退屈そうに、それでも読書から顔を上げずにこたえた。
Satan goes to church.
t was a beautiful summer Sunday in a small southern church, songs had been sung, and the preacher was about to begin his sermon. There was suddenly a loud boom of thunder, and in a bright flash and smell of burning brimstone, Satan appeared at the pulpit. It terrified the congregation, and they began flooding from every door and window. All except one old man on the second row.
He sat quietly reading the church bulletin. Satan pondered, this man must be deaf and blind, or surely he would have departed in terror. Satan asks, “Can you see me?” ” Yes, of course” replied the old man, still casually reading. “Do you know who I am?” asks Satan. “Certainly” said the man, not even bothering to look up. This angered Satan greatly. “Do you not realize that with the utterance of a single word, I can take your life and condemn you to an eternity in hell?” “Sure” replied old gentleman, now appearing to be a bit bored, but still not looking up from his reading.
Satan, now bewildered, asks “If you know who I am, and what I can do to you, why are you not terrified like the rest?” For the first time the old man looked up at Satan and replied “Because I was married to your sister for fifty years, and I figured you were here to get away from her.”
男2号は笑顔で駆け寄り、”人肉を食べたい “と言う。
3 men go to hell and Satan appears before them…
Satan says,”You boys have caught me in a good mood! I’m going to give you whatever you ask for. What would you like sir?”
Man number one steps up and says to Satan, “All I want is women.”
Satan claps his hands, and a door appears which opens to reveal the most beautiful women the 7 Circles of Hell had to offer. The man runs inside, the door shuts and disappears. Satan looks at man number 2, “You sir!”
Man number 2 runs up with a smile and says “I wish to eat human flesh.”
A door appears and opens to reveal a banquet of every human organ cooked in every fashion. The man runs inside, the door shuts and disappears and Satan turns to man number 3. “You sir!”
Man number 3 walks up and says “If I’m down here I’m just getting high. I want to smoke weed.”
A door appears to reveal fields of weed. Hell grown ganja of the darkest quality. The man runs inside, the door shuts and disappears. Satan laughs and walks away.
Over 1000 years pass and Satan suddenly remembers the 3 men he had sealed away. Satan brings up the first door, opens it and steps inside to see man number one strapped on top of a table seizuring while the women in the room cut his dick off, attach it, and cut it off again. Satan laughs and shuts the door.
Satan brings up the second door, opens it and steps inside to see man number 2 strapped to a chair writhing in agony with his stomach blown out while still being fed an unending amount of human organs. Satan laughs and shuts the door.
Satan brings up the third door, opens it and steps inside to see that nothing has changed. All the weed hadn’t moved for 1000 years. Satan walks around puzzled for a bit before he hears footsteps coming from behind him. He turns around to see man number three jump out from the weed stalks, grab him by the shoulders and yell “WHERE THE FUCK IS A LIGHTER?!”