モンテーニュ Montaigne の言葉 名言 英語と対訳(1)

 bb. 文学




ミシェル・エケム・ド・モンテーニュ(Michel Eyquem de Montaigne)
フランス王国ペリゴール / モンテーニュ城
1533年 – 1592年(59歳)

主著 エセー(1580) (エセーは6、7巻から読み始めると良いとよく言われます 和訳版)

16世紀ルネサンス期の文化人 穏健でユルい系の代表 フランス王アンリ4世とも長年親しかった



モンテーニュの言葉 名言 英語と対訳



Learned we may be with another man’s learning: we can only be wise with wisdom of our own.




Every one rushes elsewhere and into the future, because no one wants to face one’s own inner self.




Obsession is the wellspring of genius and madness.





“To begin depriving death of its greatest advantage over us, let us adopt a way clean contrary to that common one; let us deprive death of its strangeness, let us frequent it, let us get used to it; let us have nothing more often in mind than death… We do not know where death awaits us: so let us wait for it everywhere.”

“To practice death is to practice freedom. A man who has learned how to die has unlearned how to be a slave.”




On the highest throne in the world, we still sit only on our own bottom.




I do not care so much what I am to others as I care what I am to myself.




Lend yourself to others, but give yourself to yourself.




I find I am much prouder of the victory I obtain over myself, when, in the very ardor of dispute, I make myself submit to my adversary’s force of reason, than I am pleased with the victory I obtain over him through his weakness.




The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.




“He lives happy and master of himself who can say as each day passes on, “I have lived.”




It is a disaster that wisdom forbids you to be satisfied with yourself and always sends you away dissatisfied and fearful, whereas stubbornness and foolhardiness fill their hosts with joy and assurance.




Open talk opens the way to further talk, as wine does or love.




[Marriage] happens as with cages: the birds without despair to get in, and those within despair of getting out.




The usefulness of living lies not in duration but in what you make of it. Some have lived long and lived little. See to it while you are still here. Whether you have lived enough depends not on a count of years but on your will.




It is quite normal to see good intentions, when not carried out with moderation, urging men to actions which are truly vicious.




All passions that allow themselves to be savored and digested are only mediocre.





Things external to her may have their own weight and dimension: but within inside us she gives them such measures as she wills: death is terrifying to Cicero, desirable to Cato, indifferent to Socrates. Health, consciousness, authority, knowledge, beauty and their opposites doff their garments as they enter the soul and receive new vestments, coloured with qualities of her own choosing: brown or green; light or dark; bitter or sweet, deep or shallow, as it pleases each of the individual souls, who have not agreed together on the truth of their practices, rules or ideas. Each soul is Queen in her own state.

So let us no longer seek excuses from the external qualities of anything, the responsibility lies within ourselves. Our good or our bad depends on us alone. So let us make our offertories and our vows to ourselves not to Fortune: she has no power over our behavior, on the contrary our souls drag Fortune in their train and mould her to their own idea.




That philosopher who orders us to conceal ourselves and to care for no one but ourselves and who wishes us to remain unknown to others, wants us even less to be held in honour and glory by them. He also advised Idomeneus in no wise to govern his actions by reputation or by common opinion, except to avoid such incidental disadvantages as the contempt of men might bring him.Those words are infinitely true, in my opinion, and are reasonable.





※16世紀後半 カトリック教圏では明朝中国が弱体化している認識があった

When I lately retired to my house I resolved, as far as I could, to meddle in nothing, but to pass in peace and privacy what little time I had to live. It seemed to me I could not better gratify my mind than by giving it full leisure to dwell in its own thoughts and divert itself with them. And I hoped that with the passage of time, it could do this with greater ease as it became more settled and ripe.

But the contrary was the case. Like a horse broke loose, it gave itself a hundred times more rein. There rose in me a horde of chimerae and fantastic creatures, one upon the other, without order or relevance. To contemplate more coolly, their queerness and ineptitude I began to put them in writing – hoping in time to make my mind ashamed of itself. A ming which has no set goal loses itself. To be everywhere is to be nowhere. No wind serves the man bound for no port.




Anyone who has not groomed his life in general towards some definite end cannot possibly arrange his individual actions properly. It is impossible to put the pieces together if you do not have in your head the idea of the whole. What is the use of providing yourself with paints if you do not know what to paint? No man sketches out a definite plan for his life; we only determine bits of it. The bowman must first know what he is aiming at: then he has to prepare hand, bow, bowstring, arrow and his drill to that end. Our projects go astray because they are not addressed to a target. No wind is right for a seaman who has no predetermined harbor.




I put forward formless and unresolved notions, as do those who publish doubtful questions to debate in the schools, not to establish the truth but to seek it.


