ベニン BENIN のことわざ 英語と対訳
You can’t pick up garbage with your hand when you have a hoe.
The bread that comes out of the king’s house is never bad.
There is no fool in a united family.
If a pierced vase leaks, it means that water has been put in it.
What you don’t like, don’t serve it to your friends.
A cat does not trade in fried fish.
Where the eyes can’t go, where the ears can’t hear, the heart goes there.
A piece of wood may stay in the water, it will not become a caiman.
The slave belongs to his master, but the master of the slave’s dreams is the slave alone.
If you respect someone, you also respect him in his absence.
Do not call the forest that shelters you a jungle.

ブルンジ BURUNDI のことわざ 英語と対訳
Whoever boasts of his courage to you, accompany him in battle.
Two thunderbolts do not share the same cloud.
What you cannot entrust to yours, entrust it to God.
We don’t bury a bird in the sky.
Even if there is no rooster to crow at dawn, the day will dawn.
When the food is exhausted, we eat what we find.
Who lives in hatred knows no rest.
Between real friends, even a glass of water drunk together tastes good.
There are many flowers on the path of life, the most beautiful are those with thorns.
With character, ugliness becomes beauty, without it beauty becomes ugliness.