アフリカのことわざ 英語と対訳(3)


UnsplashKreative Kwameが撮影した写真


カメルーン CAMEROON のことわざ 英語と対訳



Knowledge is worth more than wealth




The past is clear, the future is obscure.




Even in his sleep, the lion sleeps with all his teeth.




Suffering is the school of wisdom.




If someone surpasses you, carry his bag.




Reason does not live in a single head.




Even the fish that lives in the water is thirsty




A corpse does not fear the grave.




The little dog begins to learn to bite on an old broom.




Every clever one is ignorant who deceives himself.




Those who accomplish great things pay attention to little ones.


コンゴ CONGO のことわざ 英語と対訳



Who claims to be able to do everything does not inspire confidence.




What’s done is done, there’s no more regretting it.




Where one is not wounded, one does not smear oneself with blood.




Anger is a bad advisor.




To catch an animal in the net, you must know its habits.




The ears never exceeded the head.




Who travels with a thief, becomes a thief.




Where there is no love, a little nothing becomes a tragedy.




The strength of the baobab is in its roots.




It is sad to be hungry and boring to be full.


ザンビア ZAMBIA のことわざ

Unsplashpaul milleyが撮影した写真



A cowardly man remembers the offense, when he is in bed.




The fish caught in the trap begins to think.




If the fire went through here, it won’t come back.




The lion’s mane is visible, the man’s is within.




Having long feathers does not mean flying high.




Anyone who has drunk alcohol falls asleep; he cannot cut down the banana tree.



「知識は庭のようなものだ: 耕さなければ収穫できない」

Knowledge is like a garden: If it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested.




If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for something.




It is not what you are called, but what you answer to.




A woman is never old when it comes to the dance she knows.



