アフリカのことわざ 英語と対訳(8)


UnsplashMohammed lakが撮影した写真


モロッコ MOROCCO のことわざ 英語と対訳


「夏は愉快な男、冬は着飾った女 」

Summer is a pleasant man, winter a well-dressed woman.




Choose your neighbor before choosing your house.




The future is a pregnant woman.




If you have no shoes, think of the one who has no feet and praise the Lord.




Maintain the egoist for a year, and he won’t make you dinner one evening.




To be great in dignity is better than to be great in prosperity.




The lock protects the house; wisdom protects the human




If he who speaks is mad, let him who listens be wise.




The wound of words is worse than that of the whip.




Not everyone who hunted the zebra caught it, but those who caught it hunted it.


UnsplashAlex Azabacheが撮影した写真

モーリタニア MAURITANIA のことわざ 英語と対訳



The earth does not reveal all that it conceals.




He who is blamed by all his own is blameworthy.




Be still until you are strong.




In all things, the result must be considered.




He who has nothing no longer has the respect of his family.




The trace brings you to its author.




The lucid and reasonable man is deceived only once.




The fool speaks, the wise listens.




You must punish a child the first day he brings home a stolen egg, because the day he brings an ox will be too late.




Ugliness with a good character is better than beauty with a bad character.

UnsplashAnnie Sprattが撮影した写真



