リオネル・メッシLionel Messi の言葉 名言 英語と対訳(1)

 h. サッカー

Кирилл Венедиктов



Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini(リオネル・メッシ アルゼンチン プロサッカー選手 1987−)

2004 FCバルセロナ

2021 パリ・サンジェルマンー

スペインカップ コパ・デル・レイ (スペインリーグ)優勝7回

UEFAチャンピオンズリーグ (ヨーロッパクラブ選手権)優勝4回

バロン・ドール賞 (全てのサッカー選手で一番活躍した)7回

ゴールデン・シュー賞 (全ヨーロッパ得点王)7回



リオネル・メッシの言葉 名言 英語と対訳



Barcelona gave me everything, they took a chance on me when nobody else would. I never have any desire to play for anybody else, I will be here for as long as they want me.




Being named among the best at something is special and beautiful. But if there are no titles, nothing is won.




Every time I start a year, I start with the objective of trying to achieve everything, without comparing it to how I’ve done in other seasons.




Every year I try to grow as a player and not get stuck in a rut. I try to improve my game in every way possible. But that trait is not something I’ve worked on, it’s part of me.




Football has been my life since I was a kid. My style remains the same, I love every single minute I get on the pitch. I know I have a great responsibility, and that there are objectives to accomplish, but I try to have fun too because that’s what I love to do.




I am competitive and I feel bad when we lose. You can see it in me when we’ve lost. I’m in a bad way. I don’t like to talk to anyone.



「『最高のヘアスタイル』も、『 最高の体』もいらない。ただ、俺の足もとにボールをおくれ。何ができるかを見せてあげるよ。」

I don’t need the best hairstyle or the best body. Just give me a ball at my feet and I’ll show you what I can do.




You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it.




Sometimes you have to accept you can’t win all the time.




There are more important things in life than winning or losing a game.



「個人的な賞や誰よりも多くのゴールを決めることよりも、チームでタイトルを獲得する方が好きなんだ。世界最高のサッカー選手であることよりも、良い人間であることのほうが気にかかる。すべてが終わったとき、自分に何が残る? 引退したら、まともな男だったと記憶されることを願うよ」

I prefer to win titles with the team ahead of individual awards or scoring more goals than anyone else. I’m more worried about being a good person than being the best football player in the world. When all this is over, what are you left with? When I retire, I hope I am remembered for being a decent guy.




What I do is play soccer, which is what I like.




The day you think there is no improvements to be made is a sad one for any player.




Money is not a motivating factor. Money doesn’t thrill me or make me play better because there are benefits to being wealthy. I’m just happy with a ball at my feet. My motivation comes from playing the game I love. If I wasn’t paid to be a professional footballer I would willingly play for nothing.




There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing a happy and smiling child. I always help in any way I can, even if it’s just by signing an autograph. A child’s smile is worth more than all the money in the world.




I have fun like a child in the street. When the day comes when I’m not enjoying it, I will leave football.



