リオネル・メッシの言葉 名言 英語と対訳(2)

 h. サッカー

Christopher Jhonson



“I go out and do the best I can in each game, and I don’t think about the fouls other players will commit or whether I might be injured. It only does you harm to worry about those things.”




“I have fun like a child in the street. When the day comes when I’m not enjoying it, I will leave football.”




“I never think about the play or visualize anything. I do what comes to me at that moment. Instinct. It has always been that way.”




“I start early and I stay late, day after day, year after year, it took me 17 years and 114 days to become an overnight success.”



「まだまだ改善の余地がある 。ということです。例えば、両足で同じようにシュートを打てるようになりたいね。」

“I still have a lot of room for improvement. For example, I want to shoot equally well with both feet.”




“I try to use pressure to help me in every game. Pressure helps me do things to the best of my ability. I like it. I don’t feel pressure; quite the contrary, because I always enjoy what I’m doing and that’s playing football.”




“I want to be world champion, but not to change the perception of others towards me or to achieve greatness like they say, but rather, to reach the goal with my national team and to add a world cup to my list of titles.”




“I’m lucky to be part of a team who help to make me look good, and they deserve as much of the credit for my success as I do for the hard work we have all put in on the training ground.”




“I’m never satisfied. I always push my limits and I always try to get better every day.”




“I’m not the sort of guy who shouts and screams before a match.”



