ムーミン の言葉 名言 英語と対訳(2)

 g. ムーミン


「楽しいムーミン一家 #3」(Finn Family Moomintroll )について


「楽しいムーミン一家 #3」 の言葉 名言 英語と対訳



− スナフキン

“The voice of the waves was now mixed with strange sounds; laughter, running feet and the clanging of great bells far out to sea. Snufkin lay still and listened. dreaming and remembering his trip round world. Soon I must set out again, he thought. But not yet.” 

ー snufkin. Finn Family Moomintroll





− スナフキン

“The Hemulen, moaning piteously, thrust his nose into the sand. “This has gone too far!” he said. “Why can’t a poor innocent botanist live his life in peace and quiet?”

“Life is not peaceful,” said Snufkin, contentedly.” 

ー snufkin. Finn Family Moomintroll





− スナフキン

“I’m afraid we shall waste an awful lot of time.”

“Don’t worry,” answered Snufkin, “we shall have wonderful dreams, and when we wake up it’ll be spring.” 

ー snufkin. Finn Family Moomintroll




− トーヴェ・ヤンソン 楽しいムーミン一家

“Moomintroll’s mother and father always welcomed all their friends in the same quiet way, just adding another bed and putting another leaf in the dining-room table. And so Moominhouse was rather full — a place where everyone did what they liked and seldom worried about tomorrow. Very often unexpected and disturbing things used to happen, but nobody ever had time to be bored, and that is always a good thing.” 

― Tove Jansson, Finn Family Moomintroll





− トーヴェ・ヤンソン 楽しいムーミン一家

“Once a year the Hattifatteners collect there before setting out again on their endless foraging expedition round the world. They come from all points of the compass, silent and serious with their small, white empty faces, and why they hold this yearly meeting it is difficult to say, as they can neither hear nor speak, and have no object in life but the distant goal of their journey’s end. Perhaps they like to have a place where they feel at home and can rest a little and meet friends.” 

― Tove Jansson, Finn Family Moomintroll




“It was the end of August — the time when owls hoot at night and flurries of bats swoop noiselessly over the garden. Moomin Wood was full of glow-worms, and the sea was disturbed. There was expectation and a certain sadness in the air, and the harvest moon came up huge and yellow. Moomintroll had always liked those last weeks of summer most, but he didn’t really know why.” 

― Tove Jansson, Finn Family Moomintroll




“It certainly promised to be a fine day. Everywhere befuddled little creatures just woken from their long winter sleep poked about rediscovering old haunts, and busied themselves airing clothes, brushing out their moustaches and getting their houses ready for the spring. “

― Tove Jansson, Finn Family Moomintroll


