ムーミン の言葉 名言 英語と対訳(3)

 g. ムーミン


「楽しいムーミン一家 #3」 の言葉 名言 英語と対訳(つづき)




− トーヴェ・ヤンソン 楽しいムーミン一家

“And that night he couldn’t sleep, but lay looking out at the light June night which was full of lonely whisperings and rustlings and the pattering of feet. The air was sweet with the smell of flowers.”

Snufkin wasn’t in yet. On such nights he often wandered about alone with his mouth-organ, but tonight there was no song to be heard. He was probably on a voyage of discovery, and soon he would put up his tent by the river, refusing to sleep indoors.”

― Tove Jansson, Finn Family Moomintroll



「『あっ』と言って、ムーミンママは話し始めました。『地下室に消えたあれは、きっとネズミだったんだわ。スニフ、ネズミたちに少しミルクを持って行ってあげて。』 そのとき、ムーミンママは階段のそばに置いてあるスーツケースに目を留めました。『荷物もあるのね。』ムーミンママは考えてから、『あらあら、ここに泊まりに来たのね。』そして、ムーミンパパにもう2つ、とっても小さなベッドを用意してくれるよう頼みに行ったのでした。」

− トーヴェ・ヤンソン 楽しいムーミン一家

“Oh!” said Moominmamma with a start, “I believe those were mice disappearing into the cellar. Sniff, run down with a little milk for them.” Then she caught sight of the suitcase which stood by the steps. “Luggage too,” thought Moominmamma. “Dear me — then they’ve come to stay.” And she went off to look for Moominpappa to ask him to put up two more beds — very, very small ones.” 

― Tove Jansson, Finn Family Moomintroll





 『もう少し様子を見ようよ。せっかくこの島を見つけたのに、もう帰ってしまうのはもったいない! 』とムーミンは言いました。

 『でも嵐になったら帰れるのに帰ることができなくなっちゃうよ』 スノークがすぐに切り返しました。

 『それはすばらしい! ずっとここにいられる。』スニフは大喜びです。


− トーヴェ・ヤンソン 楽しいムーミン一家

“We must go home!”, said the Snork.

“Not yet!” begged the Snork Maiden. “We haven’t had the time to explore the cliff on the other side properly! We haven’t even bathed!”

“We can wait a little and see what happens, can’t we?” said Moomintroll. “It would be such a pity to go home just when we’ve discovered this island!”

“But if there’s a storm we shan’t be able to go at all!” said the Snork, brightly.

“That would be wonderful!” burst out Sniff. “We could stay here for ever and ever.”

“Quiet children, I must think,” said Moominpappa. He went down to the beach and sniffed the air, turned his head in all directions and wrinkled his forehead.” 

― Tove Jansson, Finn Family Moomintroll




− トーヴェ・ヤンソン 楽しいムーミン一家

“Moominpappa was busy on the verandah, making punch in a barrel. He put in almonds and raisins, lotus juice, ginger, sugar and nutmeg flowers, one or two lemons, and a couple of pints of strawberry liqueur to make it specially good.” 

― Tove Jansson, Finn Family Moomintroll

