ステフィン・カリー Stephen Curry の言葉 名言 英語と対訳(3)

 s. NBAバスケットボール

UnsplashMarkus Spiskeが撮影した写真




I’m not really friends with anybody, to be honest. On the court it’s no love. You just want to battle and try to get the win. Maybe shake hands after.






It depends on the situation and the day. If it’s a normal practice, I’ll get up 300 shots. During the summer, you up that to about 500 when I’m working on my game, trying to get better. During the season, it’s more just maintenance and trying to fine-tune everything. You don’t want to exhaust yourself, so I dial it back a little bit.






I’m very conscious of data and analytics, and understanding how our body works and different loads that we put on it throughout the course of games and practices. It helps you make adjustments if you need to, helps you be smarter about your workouts, and I think it protects you from injuries to not over-exert yourself.






For us as a team, we aren’t overloaded with data, but knowing just how far we run during games, how much we change direction, things like that, it allows your practice, workouts, and routines to become smarter, more catered to what you actually do on the floor during games, as opposed to going blindly into it, which I think gives us a leg up on the competition.






What goes through my head when I’m going to take a game-winning shot is … I better make it. Don’t be afraid of the moment. I’m pretty confident that whatever shot I’m going to take in that situation is a shot that I’ve taken many times in practice. So you let the muscle memory and the repetition of what I do take over. And have ultimate confidence in making that shot.




