ステフィン・カリー Stephen Curry の言葉 名言 英語と対訳(4)

 s. NBAバスケットボール

UnsplashTJ Dragottaが撮影した写真


There’s more to life than basketball. The most important thing is your family and taking care of each other and loving each other no matter what.




“I go into the gym and give my trainer the look,” he said. “If you get up 400 shots, 150 will be pressure shots, with a penalty for not making 5 out of 7 in one spot. I also do a game when you have to make three in a row for five separate spots on the court. Then two in a row, then one from each spot, all in two and a half minutes. I won’t leave the gym till I finish that.”




※彼=スティーブ・カー ゴールデンステート・ウォリアーズのヘッドコーチ(監督) 当時、M・ジョーダンらが在籍するシカゴ・ブルズで控えのガード。5回のNBA優勝経験。

Every decision he made, I think everybody bought into it. Whether you understood it or not, you bought into it. Because he’s a champion. He’s won five of these or something like that, so you’ve got to trust a guy that’s been here before and his view for our team.

Chensiyuan – 投稿者自身による著作物, CC 表示-継承 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=90457757による

スティーブ・カー(Stephen Douglas Kerr)




I liked school and was a bit of an all-rounder academically, I struggled with music. I can’t hold a note when singing and abandoned any notion of a career in music after barely scraping a pass in grade 2 piano.



