AI(人工知能)のおもしろジョーク 英語と対訳

 a. ジョーク、おもしろ

UnsplashJezael Melgozaが撮影した写真




" The new Russian AI application

ChatKGB - it's asking all the questions, and you are obligated to answer them"




“Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time.” 




“Before We Work On Artificial Intelligence Why Don’t We Do Something About Natural Stupidity.” 





" Why can't AI replace managers?

because it’s not designed to be useless. "
UnsplashAndrea De Santisが撮影した写真





"AI will never take away my job.

Only an idiot would do my job."




“みんなが飲んでるものにしよう “と言う

An AI algorithm walks into a bar…

and says "I'll have what everyone else is having."





"I have a self-driving car, yesterday I added Microsoft word to its AI program.

Today it wrote it's autobiography."





"I've perfected an AI as a substitute to a girlfriend.

Every time I try to turn it on I get the silent treatment and there are no output to tell me what's wrong."





Finally, he had made the perfect AI, a superhuman intelligence, waiting for his order. It would do whatever he told it to do, and it would do so in the most effective, fastest and cheapest way possible. So he thought, and thought and finally said to the robot, "Robot, I don't want to see any suffering in this world, ever."

Promptly, the robot grabbed the nearby icepick and thrust it in his eyes.





in the next 50 years we will all be living under communism

because when AI will enslave us we will all be equally miserable.




“How ironic, then, and how poetic, that humankind may have created the Creator out of want for one. Man creates God, who then creates man. Is that not the perfect circle of life? But then, if that turns out to be the case, who is created in whose image.”
UnsplashNice M Nshutiが撮影した写真


