「しあわせ」ってなんなの?(ジョーク) 英語と対訳

 a. ジョーク、おもしろ





Money can't buy happiness.

But people can.





Happiness is like peeing in your pants.

Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.





A cheese sandwich is better than complete happiness.

Because nothing is better than complete happiness, and a cheese sandwich is better than nothing.

(感想入れてすみません。これ好きです!最後にbetter than nothing.の寂しさもまた…)






A minister is giving a sermon on marital relations and happiness in marriage.

He states that those who have the happiest marriages have very regular conjugal relations. To prove his point he asks those who have such relations several times a week to stand. As they do he sees a smiling group of people. Then he asks who have conjugal relations several times a month and those who stand smile significantly less. Then he notices a couple sitting near the front and the man is grinning broadly. He hadn't stood for weekly or monthly and yet looked the happiest of all the parishioners. 

Intrigued the minister asked him how often he had conjugal relations and the man replied: "once a year." The minister was perplexed, but while he mulled over the apparent contradiction the man continued: "and tonight’s the night."










Real happiness

A Russian, a Frenchman and an Englishman were discussing the meaning of real happiness.

The English said "real happiness is reading a good book on a rainy night with a hot cup of tea by your side"

The Frenchman said : "non mon ami, real happiness is to meet a beautiful girl make love to her, then you go your separate ways never meeting again"

The Russian : "no you are both wrong, real happiness is when secret police come to your house in middle of night and tell you: Ivan Ivanovich you arrested for conspiracing against the state and you tell them : sorry Ivan Ivanovich lives next door."





The real meaning of happiness

Today I donated a watch, a phone and $500 to a poor guy.You can't know the happiness I felt as I saw him put his knife back in his pocket.





They say money doesn't buy happiness

but money could buy me some yachts and that would at least give me some fleeting joy






他の連中はどうなのか気になり、後ろを見ると、プーチンが膝まで泥まみれになっている。激怒した彼女は叫んだ: ありえないわ!あなたは独裁制で、自分の利益のため、嘘をつくことで世界の政治と経済に影響を与えようとしてきた。それが沼地でヒザが浸かっている程度だなんてありえないでしょう?


Angela Merkel, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are shot during a conference and die…

Up in the sky, they are greeted by Saint Peter who says: ‚You have died. As you are politicians, surely you have sinned. Therefore you must wade through the Swamp of Lies before you can go to Heaven and join Him in eternal happiness.‘

As in her former life, Merkel wants to tackle every challenge given and goes first. She notices the swamp barely reaches her ankles and thinks ‚Well, that‘s what you get for lying. At least, I did it for a better Europe.‘

Curious about how the others are doing, she looks behind her and sees Putin covered in mud up to his knees. Furiously, she shouts: ‚This is impossible!  Your reign was a dictatorship, you influenced world politics and economics to your benefit and you’ve achieved all that only by telling lies. How is it possible you‘re only knee-deep in this swamp?‘

Calmly, Putin answers: ‚Hush! I‘m standing on top of Donald and he hasn‘t noticed yet.‘





Money doesn't buy happiness.

But I would rather cry in a Rolls Royce than on a bicycle.





Whoever said money can’t buy happiness.

Has never paid for a divorce before.


