ヤニス・アデトクンボ Giannis Antetokounmpoの言葉 名言 英語と対訳(1)

 s. NBAバスケットボール
By Erik Drost - https://www.flickr.com/photos/edrost88/51915153421/, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=115864328



ヤニス・アデトクンボ の略歴

国籍 ギリシャ
生年月日 1994年12月6日(28歳)
出身地 アテネ
身長 211cm、足のサイズ 34cm

NBAドラフト 2013年 / 1巡目 / 全体15位
プロ選手期間 2011年–現在

2011–2013 フィラスリチコスBC
2013– ミルウォーキー・バックス

NBAチャンピオン (2021)
NBAファイナルMVP (2021)
2× NBAシーズンMVP (2019, 2020)



ヤニス・アデトクンボ の言葉 名言 英語と対訳


史上最高のプレーヤーの一人になること? 自分にはその力があると思う。でも、一所懸命やんないと。ただ話しをするだけで努力をしないようなら、そうなれないだろう

To be one of the best to ever play the game? I think I have the ability to do that. But I’ve got to work hard. If I just keep talking and don’t put some work in, it’s not going to happen.




It’s my nature to be fearless.




If I can’t score, I do whatever I can to support my teammates.




You never know how life turns out.




I’m a really competitive guy. I’m a really stubborn guy. That’s what makes me want to take Milwaukee to the top, make Milwaukee a big market team. That’s a goal I’ve set for myself. Hopefully, one day I can achieve it.




Tim Duncan did it. Dirk Nowitzki did it. I just want to be one of those guys… that stays for the city, play for the city for 20 years.




Gregg Popovich is among the greatest coaches ever.

(=サンアントニオ・スパーズ ヘッドコーチ)




I’m really scared of failing.




The things that Dirk has done for this league and for the Dallas Mavericks, it’s unbelievable. And Coach Kidd was a teammate of Dirk, so for Jason Kidd to compare me with Dirk Nowitzki, it feels nice. It’s a nice compliment.




You always fight with your brothers.




LeBron James is one of the best players in the league – and one of the best players to ever play the game.




I like living in a smaller place, but I like being in big cities, too, like Athens.




I’m gonna have some nights when it’s not gonna come. But if you keep playing natural, it’s just gonna come. I’m gonna keep getting better, keep getting better, and one day, everything’s gonna pay off.




I love Milwaukee! I’m going to be in Milwaukee 20 years! I’ll be here so long, they’ll be sick of me!




Persistent in life? I think, yes, I am. I’m going to do something until I get it right.




Of course, I know by growing older, I’m going to become stronger, smarter, and know the game better.




It’s hard when the season ends and you’re not waking up no more for practices, games. You’re not in your routine no more.




I’m loyal to the people I work with.




I like hip-hop and rock music.




I hope to play in the NBA for many seasons, establish my position, and win titles.




Obviously, Kobe is one of the greatest players to ever play the game.




Whatever I try to do, I always try to give it my best and try to be a killer because, at the end of the day, if you don’t work hard, you are not going to get food on your table.




I was selling stuff probably since I could remember, like 6 or 7 years old. I was always out there helping my mom and dad sell watches, glasses, CDs, DVDs, stuff like that. Whatever we could put our hands on. I did it until I was around 17. But I was just doing it because I had to. There was no other option.




