キリアン・エムバペ Kylian Mbappe の言葉 名言 英語と対訳(1)

 h. サッカー
Кирилл Венедиктов - https://www.soccer.ru/galery/1042235/photo/718846, CC 表示-継承 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=67911269による




国籍 フランス
生年月日 1998年12月20日
出身地 セーヌ=サン=ドニ県ボンディ
身長 178cm 体重 75kg

在籍チーム サンジェルマンFC
ポジション FW
背番号 7 利き足 右足

年 クラブ 出場
2015-2016 モナコB 12
2015-2018 モナコ 60
2017-2018 パリ・サンジェルマン 27
2018-   パリ・サンジェルマン 149
2017 フランス 71


キリアン・エムバペの言葉 名言 英語と対訳



In football, everything is possible, from the moment you work and you believe in your qualities.




We must always set the bar high, otherwise we do not progress.




You should always focus on training and consider it a step forward. And each step is taking you higher and higher until you reach the top, which is where you should stay.




You can’t sit around and do nothing, you have to carry on.




Real Madrid is a club where you have to go when you are mature and at the top of your game.




The greatest are an inspiration for all the kids who wake up early in the morning. Everyone watches you, is inspired by you and wants to be you. So you influence society. That’s what being more than an athlete means. I want more kids to have that opportunity. I want everybody to start with the same chance.




I am happy, and I am living the life I always dreamed of.




Like the greats, you want to make your own story yourself, and not be a copy of another.




I always assume that one day someone will come and try to do better, so you always have to go beyond your limits.




It’s one of the disadvantages of succeeding early. I missed simple things like having a driver’s license. I think everyone has one. For so many people, a license is an obligation, but it wasn’t for me. Licenses are often synonymous with autonomy, but I had my autonomy so early that I’ve had drivers at my disposal. It was never a priority.




You always have to keep some lucidity.




You play with 10 players, you don’t play alone.




When we make the effort for each other, it makes the difference.




I work hard every day to try to help my team. I try to have fun too – because football is still fun – and scoring goals, breaking records, that’s what drives me.




Learning is fine, but you also have to win – you only have one career.




Those who talk about the sacrifices that they make throughout a career, I do not understand too much. For me, the real sacrifice would be getting up early in the morning to work.




For me, football is more than a sport, just look at the impact it has on society.




I try to work to improve myself every day and I try to do on the pitch what I do during the training sessions.




When you retire, people don’t look at how good you became. They look at what you’ve won. We remember the winners.


We must stop feeling fear.




The most important thing is to win the Champions League because you can win the Ballon d’Or and not stay in history.




Helping people, moreover those coming from where you grew up, this is the most important. Not everyone can succeed, but at least you can to act for them.




Neymar is a superstar, much more of star than me.




I do not chase after the records.




I’ve always wanted to play with great players.




I am hungry for titles.



