ルカ・モドリッチ Luka Modric の言葉 名言 英語と対訳(1)

 h. サッカー
By Светлана Бекетова - soccer.ru, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=70292659




国籍 クロアチア
生年月日 1985年9月9日
出身地 ユーゴスラビア ザダル
身長 172 cm 体重 66.2 kg

在籍チーム レアル・マドリード
ポジション MF 背番号 10 利き足 右足

2018 UEFA欧州最優秀選手賞、FIFA最優秀選手賞、バロンドール賞

年 クラブ 出場 (得点)
2008-2012 トッテナム 127 (13)
2012-   レアル・マドリード 327 (26)
2006- クロアチア 166 (24)


ルカ・モドリッチの言葉 名言 英語と対訳


※ 今シーズン出場機会が減っていることについて ESPNのインタビュー切り抜き

2023年10月10日 ESPN asia “Why Luka Modric’s new Real Madrid role may be a masterstroke”

先月、モドリッチ本人がクロアチアの新聞『Sportske Novosti』の取材に応じ、次のように語っている。



Last month, Modric himself spoke on the subject to a Croatian newspaper, Sportske Novosti:

“Nobody’s happy when they aren’t playing. After a career like mine, that feeling is especially unusual. Madrid wanted me to stay and I had the same aim, so when I signed, the only condition I placed was that they treated me as a competitive player and didn’t consider me only based on past triumphs.

“They told me nothing would change in my status, and that’s why I re-signed. But hey, the coach has his own reasons, and I won’t sink down or diminish my intensity because of this — quite the opposite.”





There are ups and downs, but whatever happens, you have to trust and believe in yourself.




Fear doesn’t exist in football, especially for Real Madrid.




The most important thing is to never give up, never give in to circumstances, believe yourself, and to soldier on, no matter what’s in your way.




I would change all my individual trophies for that trophy of World Cup champion.




You need to believe. If you don’t believe, you can never get anything.




You must never give up and have faith in yourself.




Fight for your dreams and success. This is what has always guided me.




The war made me stronger; it was a very hard time for me and my family. I don’t want to drag that with me forever, but I don’t want to forget about it, either.




My father is strong in his legs, and I think I get that from him. I am stronger there than in my upper body, but that is what gives me a low centre of gravity. It makes it harder for opponents to get me off the ball.




I remember my first shin pads had the Brazilian Ronaldo on them, and I loved them.




You never tire of winning.




My whole career, when I was in Croatia, people questioned me, saying I wouldn’t make it, that I wasn’t good enough because I wasn’t big and strong.




Going 33 games unbeaten is no coincidence.




All I dreamed of when I became a footballer was to play for a club as big as Real Madrid. It’s maybe the most famous and best club in the history of football.




I really enjoy my life in Spain.




There are so many great players who have played for Real Madrid.




I want to thank all the people at Tottenham. I had four great years there, and I enjoyed every moment. I want to thank everyone who made my life enjoyable in London.




When the war started, we became refugees, and it was a really tough time. I was six years old. These were really hard times. I remember them vividly, but it’s not something you want to remember or think about.




Tottenham is the club that first gave me my opportunity to play in one of the strongest leagues in the world.




I think everybody respects Real Madrid; nobody wants to play against us.




No individual can do it all on their own.




It happens in football. You have bad days.




It was my dream come true when I signed for Real Madrid. I want to stay here for as many years as possible and, if it’s possible, finish my career here.




When you play a semi-final, it is impossible to be tired. You know how much is at stake.




You can’t predict things in football because anything can happen.


