ロベルト・レヴァンドフスキ Robert Lewandowski の言葉 名言 英語と対訳

 h. サッカー

By Sven Mandel – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=100268297



9分間5ゴール! 2015年バイエルン・ミュンヘン




When I was a young player, I never dreamed of scoring five goals in a game – and in nine minutes is something else. And when it happened, it was incredible that there could ever be anything like that in the history of the game. It took me a couple of days to realise what I’d done.




2019-20シーズン UEFA欧州最優秀選手賞受賞

国籍 ポーランド
生年月日 1988年8月21日
出身地 ワルシャワ
身長 185 cm、体重 81 kg

在籍チーム FCバルセロナ
ポジション FW (CF)
背番号 9、利き足 右足

年 クラブ 出場 (得点)
2006-2008 ズニチュ・プルシュクフ 59 (36)
2008-2010 レフ・ポズナン 58 (32)
2010-2014 ボルシア・ドルトムント 131 (74)
2014-2022 バイエルン・ミュンヘン 253 (238)
2022- バルセロナ 34 (23)
2008- ポーランド 143 (81)


ロベルト・レヴァンドフスキの言葉 名言 英語と対訳



I motivate myself by the desire to win more trophies.




I want to be a better player, and there is no other way of showing it other than on the pitch. It is not a question of which team I play for.




One day, I would like to play in Premier League. It would be a great experience.




I cannot say who is better between Messi and Ronaldo. Because they are different players. Both are superstars.




Bayern is one of the best teams in the world – on a par with Real Madrid and Barcelona. A move to Barca or Real wouldn’t have been a step up for me.

By Rufus46 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=57144606




I don’t read articles about myself. I try to distance myself from it. Reading about yourself is nice, but in the long run, it doesn’t help. Concentration has to be in the right place.




Contracts are not a holy relic in football. You can like this attitude or not, but it’s the truth. Sometimes you have to think about if it is meaningful to try out a new impulse.




I don’t have a strict diet where I have to eat 100g of this, 200g of that, but before, I had a problem with sweet things, so I cut them out completely.




Cows’ milk and soya milk isn’t good for me. Almond milk and rice milk is OK. I don’t really drink alcohol, either. Maybe wine but only sometimes.




As a striker, you are playing against big defenders. They try to throw you around. I try to play in behind them, and I need power. I know that I have to go to the gym and train. I train all the time.




When I was a kid, I did many sports. Judo, like my dad, but also volleyball, handball, and gymnastics. We never played much football.

By Sven Mandel – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=112240111


