ウェイン・グレツキー Wayne Gretzky の言葉 名言 英語と対訳

 o. アイスホッケー
Wayne Gretzky New York Rangers action hšjd portrŠtt

By Hakandahlstrom (Håkan Dahlström)Later versions were uploaded by IrisKawling at en.wikipedia. – Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here. Can also be found at Flickr, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3545164



生誕 1961年1月26日
カナダ オンタリオ州ブラントフォード
1.83 m、84 kg
ポジション センター
ショット 左打ち


代表 カナダ
NHLドラフト ドラフト無し
プロ選手期間 1978年 – 1999年

MVP(ハート記念賞) 9回

ウェイン・グレツキーの言葉 名言 英語と対訳



The day I stop giving is the day I stop receiving. The day I stop learning is the day I stop growing. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.




I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.




No matter who you are, we’re creatures of habit. The better your habits are, the better they will be in pressure situations.




If we’re going to change the game it has to start at eight, nine and 10 years old. When we were that age we’d go to the pond or backyard rink and throw a puck on the ice and play five on five, or seven on seven. You get this creativity and this imagination that comes from within, just having fun on the pond. Now kids are so focused on team play, and the coaches are so focused on positioning. You can’t change it at the NHL level.




It’s easier to lose than to win.




Not doing it is certainly the best way to not getting it




A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.




Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.




The highest compliment that you can pay me is to say that I work hard every day, that I never dog it.




I wasn’t naturally gifted in terms of size and speed; everything I did in hockey I worked for, and that’s the way I’ll be as a coach.




I couldn’t beat people with my strength; I don’t have a hard shot; I’m not the quickest skater in the league. My eyes and my mind have to do most of the work.




I think that from the time you start playing sports as a child you see that your responsibility to your team is to play the best that you can play as an individual… and yet, not take anything away from being part of a team.




I knew at a young age, whether I was playing baseball or hockey or lacrosse, that my teammates were counting on me, whether it be to strike the last batter out in a baseball game or score a big goal in a hockey game.




I get a feeling about where a teammate is going to be. A lot of times, I can turn and pass without even looking.




Hockey is a unique sport in the sense that you need each and every guy helping each other and pulling in the same direction to be successful.




The only way a kid is going to practice is if it’s total fun for him… and it was for me.




Look at guys like Larry Bird and George Brett and John McEnroe; that’s what they did in their careers. They all wanted to be the guy under the microscope late in the game or late in the match. So you just take on that know-how that that’s part of your responsibility, and you learn that’s what makes it exciting. That’s what makes it fun!




I just like to keep my money in the bank; I’m not a big risk-taker. I don’t know anything about the stock market… I stay away from things I don’t know anything about.




When I was 5 and playing against 11-year-olds, who were bigger, stronger, faster, I just had to figure out a way to play with them.




Growing up, I was always the small guy.




I don’t like my hockey sticks touching other sticks, and I don’t like them crossing one another, and I kind of have them hidden in the corner. I put baby powder on the ends. I think it’s essentially a matter of taking care of what takes care of you.




It’s an honour and a thrill and a privilege just to play in the NHL.




The biggest difference between L.A. and Edmonton was that instead of people looking at me I was looking at them.




Listen, everything I have in my life is because of the NHL and because of hockey, and I love the game and I loved every minute of being a player, I loved coaching, I loved being involved in the NHL.




I’m very proud of our NHL players. I think they all handle themselves extremely well and they all work really hard.




My kids are no different than anyone else’s – they tend to disagree with everything I say!




And people who know me would tell you that away from hockey I’m really not that competitive.




By no means could I play at the level of these kids who play in the NHL now but as 50-year-olds go, I feel really good and I feel blessed that I’m still healthy.




It doesn’t matter what I think. It doesn’t matter what other people think. You have to get on the ice and participate and play and the best team wins.




