コナー・マクデビッドConnor McDavid の言葉 名言 英語と対訳

 o. アイスホッケー
Washington Capitals fall to Connor McDavid and the Edmonton Oilers at Capital One Arena in Washington D.C., Feb. 2, 2022. (Photo by Brian Murphy, All-Pro Reels)

By All-Pro Reels – https://www.flickr.com/photos/joeglo/51860833430/, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=114996086





生誕 1997年1月13日
カナダ オンタリオ州リッチモンドヒル
身長 185cm 体重 88 kg
ポジション センター
シュート 左打ち
NHLチーム エドモントン・オイラーズ
プロ選手期間 2015年 – 現在


 ハート記念賞(≒MVP 記者協会選出)
 テッド・リンジー賞(≒レギュラーシーズンMVP 選手会+記者協会)


コナー・マクデビッドの言葉 名言 英語と対訳



Not a lot of people get to meet their role model and idol in life, and I’ve been really lucky that way.




You’ve got to work hard, got to outwork the other guy and got to outwork the other team. Sometimes outsmart them every now and then, but it all starts with the work.

work = activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result(NOAD)




You have to make every day count toward your dream.




The beauty of hockey players is that they make everyone feel included and make everyone feel a part of it.




I think you’ve just got to have everyone buy in, working towards a common goal. Doesn’t matter who gets the credit. Really doesn’t.




I’m dying to play in the playoffs. Dying to bring a little success back to Edmonton. I think the fans deserve it, the city deserves it.




I definitely feel like I’m a smarter player than when I first entered the League.




I take a lot of naps.




I don’t think you’re going to see any hockey player tell the media or anyone they’re the best player in the world. It’s just not who we are.




My style was not good. It’s definitely something that’s grown over time.




My expectations on myself exceed any of those put on me.




You always have to be optimistic, you can never lose that.




Hockey is a year-round job.




Obviously, losing isn’t fun. It’s not fun for anybody. I’m no different.




I think the best players in the world make the players around them better. And I’m always trying to do that.




I definitely believe in myself. And I don’t need to show that on the outside. I just don’t feel like I need to tell people how I feel about myself. I know my skills and I know what I’m comfortable in, and I keep it to myself.




I love the game so much and I work hard at it and I have a lot of fun with it.




If you want to do something for the rest of your life, it’s not going to be easy, especially being a pro hockey player, so you need to work at it.




It’s more fun to be playing hockey than doing anything else.



「向上する方法は常にある 」

There’s always ways to improve.




If you’re tanking to get a higher draft pick, you really shouldn’t be playing hockey.

tank = deliberately lose or fail to finish  (NOAD)





You want to win hockey games, and it doesn’t really matter how you do it.




He’s Bobby Orr – he’s been through it all. Whatever he says, you listen. If you ask a question, you’re dying to hear the answer, trying to figure out any piece of information that made him successful.




I’m so proud to be in Edmonton.




As a kid I wore my team’s tracksuit all the time. Splash pants or track pants. I wore a hat every day. And then when I got to the NHL, guys would make fun of me that I had the worse style in the league.




I was definitely not the cocky kid. I was probably on the other end of the spectrum – I was quiet. I remember a time when there was a skills competition, and I think I was five, and I was so nervous to even compete that I chose not to do the skating part.



