ニコラ・ヨキッチ Nikola jokicの言葉 名言 英語と対訳(1)

 s. NBAバスケットボール
By Erik Drost - Nikola Jokic, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=116078568



Nikola Jokić(ニコラ・ヨキッチ ユーゴスラビア連邦共和国→セルビア共和国 1995-)

2015年 デンバー・ナゲッツ −2023現在






ニコラ・ヨキッチの言葉、名言 英語と対訳



I am not athletic.




The rookie game, those guys are going to be All-Stars one day.



「得点できれば自分が ハッピーになれる。アシストができれば自分とチームメイトもハッピーになれる。アシストができると二人がハッピーになれるんだ」

A point makes you happy; an assist makes you and your teammate happy. An assist makes two people happy.




In high school, I couldn’t do one pushup.




I don’t think I’m that funny.




I lead the league in scratches. I’m always bleeding – I’m used to it.




The team is always bigger than an individual or whatever, and a really good team can win a championship.




You need to be consistent. Every game is important for you and your team.




I believe the only muscles you need in basketball are the ones in your brain.




I just wanted to play hard – just to give my 100 percent to help my teammates, to help my team to win the game. That’s my only goal going on the court.




If you don’t try something, you never know.




I loved playing every sport. Soccer, water polo, horses. Whatever. I just loved it – especially competing against my brothers.




Every different horse has a different personality, like a human.




My dad is not really a relaxed guy. He’s nervous. He wants to do everything. But I am completely opposite to him. I am calm.




I’m just playing basketball, the same way I have always played, from juniors and even back to middle school, I’m just doing it the same way. Nothing different. Just a team game, playing and having fun and trying to play the right way.




When everybody is sharing the ball, everybody makes everybody happy.




When you first come to practice, you learn the guys. You’re going to play with them for the next couple seasons. You just need to know what shots they like, how they run, how good a lead they are. You need to know your personnel.




I know my teammates better than opponents know them. If I can see my teammate in one moment, I know where he’ll be in the next moment. I don’t need to see him again.




When I was young, basketball wasn’t my No. 1 priority.




Of course, we’re going to talk trash or whatever. Both teams just want to win the game.


