イーロン・マスク の言葉 名言 英語と対訳(4)


テスラ・モデル S




「当初より、テスラの戦略は高価格帯を少量生産することから始まり、中量生産の中価格車へ、そして低価格の大量生産へ というものでした。」

“The strategy of Tesla from the beginning has always been to start with a low volume, high priced car, then go to a medium volume, mid-priced car, and then low-priced, high volume.”

Tonight on Charlie Rose, August 11, 2009




“Relative to others with a similar net worth, I don’t spend much money on personal matters. I own no homes (not even my residence at this point), yachts or expensive artwork. My clothes are mostly jeans and t-shirts and I almost never take vacations, apart from kid related travel.”

Business Insider, July 8, 2010




“Some people don’t like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster.”

Daily Beast, April 25, 2011




I’m available 24-7 to help solve issues, call me at 3 a.m on a Sunday morning. I don’t care.”

Bloomberg, August 3, 2011




“Don’t work yourself to death to cover your mistakes…. I was very naive and much stupider than I am now. I wish I could go back and give myself a slap on my face…. I was working crazy hours. I would literally sleep under my desk to avoid going home because that’d just take time… I was trying to make up for my mistakes by working really, really hard. Instead, acknowledge your mistakes, fix them if you can, and move on if you can’t.”

Business Insider, September 16, 2011



「製品の品質にこだわり続けるべきです。皆さんは、どのように管理するかなど、色々と難しいな考え方にとらわれます。 しかし私は、製品そのものにもっと焦点を当てるべきだと思います。つまり、どのようにして顧客にとって魅力ある商品に仕上げるか。もっと良いものにするために徹底的に集中すべきなのです。」

“Stay very focused on the quality of the product. People get really wrapped up in all sorts of esoteric notions of how to manage etc. [but], I think people should get much more focused on the product itself – how do you make the product incredibly compelling to a customer – just become maniacally focused on building it better.”

FUSE, June 29, 2011


